Instructions for Depositing Escrow Materials - Form 2.1
Software Escrow Arrangement
Instructions for Depositing Escrow Materials
When your organization selects National Software Escrow, Inc., escrow materials can be stored, maintained, secured and preserved in either physical OR electronic format via physical or electronic delivery.
“Physical Delivery” means deposit by any non-electronic delivery manner such as, courier, courier service, postal service, mail service, hand-delivery, or any physical delivery in which data stored on tangible medium exchanges possession from one entity to another entity. Formats for a Physical Delivery can be optical disc storage (CD-ROM, Compact Disc, (CD), Digital Video Disc (DVD), etc.), removable storage, hard drive, portable storage, memory card, memory stick, or any other tangible computer-readable medium.
“Electronic Delivery” means deposit by electronic transfer such as electronic mail (email), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or any other electronic transfer that communicates data from one storage location to another storage location. Formats for Electronic Delivery include any file format that can be stored on a computer-readable medium.
Below please find Instructions for depositing your escrow materials.
If by Physical Format/Physical Delivery:
1. Complete Escrow Form 2.1 enclosed within your Escrow Agreement, identifying the materials that will be deposited into escrow for the fulfillment of your Escrow Agreement
2. Place your escrow materials on to tangible medium (CD-ROM, DVD, thumb-drive, etc.) and send the materials and completed Escrow Form 2.1 to:
National Software Escrow, Inc.
8225 Brecksville Road, Building Three, Suite 105
Brecksville, Ohio 44141 U.S.A.
If by Electronic Format/ Electronic Delivery:
1. Complete Escrow Form 2.1 enclosed within your Escrow Agreement, identifying the materials that will be deposited into escrow for the fulfillment of your Escrow Agreement
2. Send the completed and executed Escrow Form 2.1 to National Software Escrow, Inc. via post, fax (440) 546-0207 or scan/e-mail to [email protected]
3. Upload your escrow materials to National Software Escrow, Inc. via the link below:
• National Software Escrow offers a secure file upload service for clients’ electronic material storage. The entire website is secure and protected using a verified Secure Socket Layer (SSL). To deposit your code electronically, please access our upload form at
Please note that there is a size limitation of 100MB (zipped file) for electronic deposits uploaded to our website. If your electronic deposit is larger, please contact National Software Escrow, Inc. for alternate arrangements.