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Multi-Beneficiary Escrow Arrangement – (1 Vendor / Multiple Licensees)

Software Escrow Arrangements

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multi beneficiary

If you are ready, we offer a short questionnaire to help determine your need for these services. Check out this short survey to determine if Software Escrow is right for you.

We offer a Multi-Beneficiary Escrow Arrangement for (1) Software Vendor and multiple Licensees aka (“Beneficiaries”).

Our Multi-Beneficiary Escrow Agreement enables a Software Vendor to enroll multiple Licensees to one Master Agreement, saving time and money from having to establish multiple Escrow Agreements.

Establishing your Escrow Agreement is quick and easy. Steps to do so can be found by clicking here.

To get started, download our Agreement and/or request additional information about our Multi-Beneficiary Escrow Arrangement by clicking here.

Download a Sample Agreement